PM Rishi Sunak has confirmed he will not attend COP27.

what does this mean for UK climate policy?

The decision:

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has confirmed that he will not be attending the UN Climate Conference, COP27, this November. He has stated that this is "reasonable" given the "depressing domestic challenges" the UK is currently facing. He has also pressed that the UK has demonstrated "unmatched leadership" in tackling climate change, and that the country remains "an example for others to follow."

Sunak's spokesperson has stated that he has "other pressing domestic commitments," that he remains "committed to net zero and to leading international and domestic action to tackle climate change." He has also maintained the former PM Liz Truss' position that King Charles should not attend COP27 to represent the UK, however the UK will be represented by other senior ministers such as Therese Coffey (Environment Secretary).

Rishi’s track record:

The move comes amongst other changes to the UK Governments climate action. Alok Sharma (President of COP26), has left his position as Minister of State at the Cabinet Office, however he will still negotiate for the UK at COP27. Graham Stuart has been re-appointed as Climate Minister, after leading a parliamentary debate on fracking which led to Liz Truss' resignation, however he will no longer attend Cabinet Meetings.

In his previous position as Chancellor of the Exchequer, cuts he implemented led to the abandonment of a $1.7 billion scheme to insulate U.K. homes. He also planned to halve taxes on domestic flights, to encourage air travel, which would boost its emissions. His cuts to the U.K.’s foreign aid budget (from 0.7% to 0.5% of national income), shaved millions off funds to help poorer countries adapt to climate change. In 2020, he voted against calls for Britain to eliminate most greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by 2030.

However, as Chancellor he pledged £15 billion to help London become a “hub for green finance,” as a way to sharpen the city’s competitive edge that was damaged due to Brexit. In November 2021, Sunak also announced a world-first scheme to force U.K.-based companies to publish net-zero transition plans, saying the U.K. “has a responsibility to lead the way” on financing climate action.

Ultimately, concerning climate change Sunak has a mixed voting record, and a mixed record as Chancellor. He is more concerned with climate issues than his predecessor Liz Truss, however his economic concerns overrule his environmental ones. Overall, experts argue that he does not present a tough enough climate policy to reach the UN's 1.5 degrees celsius global warming target.

The consequences:

Labour Leader Sir Kier Starmer has claimed Sunak's decision to snub the conference is a "failure of leadership." Rebecca Newsom, head of politics at Greenpeace UK, claims the decision suggests Sunak does not take climate change "seriously enough." Former Green party leader Caroline Lucas said: "The signal this gives out to the rest of the world is deeply deeply serious and I would urge Rishi Sunak to think about this again."

Sunak's office has said that his decision not to attend does not signal a downgrading of climate change as a government priority.There are also rumours circulating that he could make a U - turn and decide to attend the conference after all. However, Sunak's previous record on climate policy, and his current refusal to attend the conference, place doubts on the route that UK climate policy will take in the future.

Sources for this post:

Rishi Sunak defends COP27 snub saying he will be 'focusing on depressing domestic challenges' instead:

Liz Truss Decimated U.K. Climate Policy. Campaigners Hope Rishi Sunak Will Fix It:

Rishi Sunak appoints new cabinet - here's who's in and who's out:

Rishi Sunak will not attend Cop27 climate summit:

Rishi Sunak won’t attend global COP27 climate summit:

No 10 responds to King Charles Cop27 ‘ban’ as Sunak says it is right he focuses on ‘depressing domestic challenges’ – as it happened:

‘Massive strategic error’: Rishi Sunak plans to skip COP27:

Rishi Sunak criticised for skipping COP27 climate summit:

What is Rishi Sunak’s record on climate change as he pulls out of COP27?:

Rishi Sunak could U-turn on Cop27 summit snub, minister suggests:


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